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LFR Weekly update
May 17, 2013, 10:25 am

Hi Crazy Runners,

Wednesday saw a hardy group join Tring Running club for their annual open evening. A great event and a lot of fun was had by all, despite rumours of wild animals and crazed staved wild men patrolling the woods hunting down nervous runners I’m very pleased to report that no-one got lost, got eaten or was kidnapped and sold into slavery, this running thing might be quite good fun after all :-)


Runs this week:


Summer is here so it’s time to get away from the dreaded tarmac and out into the beautiful countryside J. Tuesday’s run is the 50 mins Out and back, south on the Canal towards Slapton. For the fantastically enthusiastic new runners amongst us this is a simple but highly effective run. Everyone takes the same route and runs as far as they can in 25 mins, then they turn round and follow the same route back to the club house. This means we all start and finish together and it’s ALMOST impossible to get lost. It also means that you can stretch your run beyond what you are used to without worrying about not managing a preset distance.


Thursday: The Speed and Stamina training continues under the watchful eye of our two fabulous but stern Iron ladies. 7:15 at the club house. This traininhg is very much based around your own abilities so there is no reason why everyone can’t participate.

Sunday: The club is participating in the Cross Milton Keynes relay, much fun is anticipated with people getting lost in the woods, eaten by Bears and falling into the Canal. Photos and tales of hilarity to follow J.

Dates for your Diary:

31st May: We have been invited to a social open evening run around Ashridge followed by a few beers. Looks like fun, add yourself to the FB event and come along for a fun evening out.

22nd June: Green Sand RidgeWay run: we have 6 teams entered for this event this year and we’re looking for a big club presence, please put your name down so that Verity can put together a some fun and some competitive teams for the event. For those who haven’t done this before it’s a team of 6 running a 33mile relay. We normally do some reccie runs so that no one gets lost on the day. A great day out.

21st July: John’s 100th Marathon. Yes you read that correctly John Kirwan will be completing his 100th Marathon at Fairland Valley Stevenage.

There are 4 distances 12,18,26.2 & 30 miles.

Let’s make an event of this and join John on his big day, choose a challenging distance for yourself sign up and make a club outing of it. Join John by accepting his invite on the FB page.

Coach's Corner

A funny article on running by Mr Charlie Brooker…
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